Our Team
Company Director
Certified S2C Practitioner
L5 Social Healthcare Manager
Amanda has over 30 years experience working with autism. She is a certified S2C Practitioner and Level 5 Social Healthcare Manager.
Amanda oversees all aspects of Stuarts House Day Care.
She also offers consultancy service to families non-speakers and non-reliably speaking clients through ispell.uk
Level 5 Diploma in Health & Social Care
Theory into Practice Diploma (Edinburgh Napier University)
Equine Management Diploma (Sparsholt College)
Day Care Manager
Steve leads the Farm Day Care staff team working closely with Amanda to develop/review individual service user care plans and programs.
Steve is extremely fit, cycling into work most days, he has a keen interest in many sports, and music.
Team Teach Positive Behaviour Management Level 2
First aider/CPR qualified
Personal Trainer
Support Worker
Mark brings 6 years experience in working within an educational position, working with autism and emotional/behavioural settings helping vulnerable individuals. A likeable jolly character, Mark works closely with Steve at the Day Care Centre.
Operations Manager
Graham brings a wealth of managerial and leadership experience from a 25-year military career. He is responsible for all operational aspects at the farm and supported living.
Level 5 Diploma in Health & Social Care
NEBS Diploma in Management
Senior Support Worker
Ellie works closely with Amanda as a Communication Regulation Partner to George. Ellie brings 2 years background experience in working with autism and emotional/behavioural settings helping vulnerable individuals.
Ellie has a keen interest in horses, kick boxing and outdoor adventures, camping, walking and kayaking.
Team Teach Positive Behaviour Management Level 2​
Support Worker
Jodie is a skilled and compassionate team member with over 5 years of experience supporting individuals with autism. Known for her clear communication and calm demeanor.
Jodie has a strong passion for animal welfare. and often brings her own dog to work, offering service users the opportunity to engage with and learn more about animal behavior.
Marketing / IT Manager
Dee is responsible for all IT and marketing and works closely with Amanda on general admin and HR requirements. Dee also creates the monthly staff rota.
BA Hons International Marketing Management
Support Worker
Emma is starting a family and works remotely under our S2C Practitioners Jo or Amanda. Emma writes quality lesson material o for our Spelling to Communicate(S2C) clients
Supporting clients to visit their local gym regularly and supporting at the farm and community, Emma’s cheerful, professional, calm demeanor is much appreciated at SHC.
Emma has strong interest in fitness and supporting charities.
Psychology Degree
Communication Regulation Partner
Josh works closely with Amanda as a Communication Regulation Partner to George. Interests include (accomplished BMX champion), Music (Band member - lead singer, bass guitar and backing vocals).
Team Teach Positive Behaviour Management
Autism Spectrum Condition
Safeguarding an Adult
Risk Assessment
GDPR & Handling Information
Person Centred Approaches
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Infection Control
Food Hygiene
Fire Safety & Emergency Provision
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Diet & Nutrition
First Aid
Administration of Medicines