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Work Based Skills

We encourage our adults with autism to take part in paid, voluntary and sheltered employment within the local community. Our students are also able to learn skills in equine, small animal husbandry, horticulture, and woodwork at Littlecott farm.


Adult with autism lifting a log New Forest

Creating a Community Woodland at Pondhead Enclosure with the Pondhead Conservation Trust.

Sheltered Employment

Adult with autsim clearing the paddock

Running charitable enterprises in litter picking and paddock maintenance.

Work Experience

Adult with autism doing wok experience in a hairdressers in Romsey

Individual self achieved work experience in His and Kids Hairdressers, Romsey.

Farm Work

Image of ducks at Littlecott Farm, Bartley, New Forest

Working with the small animals and horses at Littlecott Farm.

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